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2016-03-16 2016-07-29
5.8.2 Bug 1409 Remembering a password for a duration of a session by default - final + reword + +grammar + removing reference to cloning (martin) 5.9 stable released (martin)
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===== [[password_memory]] Keeping Password in Memory ===== ===== [[password_memory]] Keeping Password in Memory =====
-By default, when you [[ui_authenticate#password|enter your password on the authentication window]], it is stored in the memory and reused for all subsequent authentications during the same session, such as when reconnecting, opening an additional connection for a [[transfer_queue|background transfer]] or opening a [[shell_session|separate shell session]]. This is the default behavior of the //latest beta version//. //In the latest stable version//, the password is not remembered by default. &beta+By default, when you [[ui_authenticate#password|enter your password on the authentication window]], it is stored in the memory and reused for all subsequent authentications during the same session, such as when reconnecting, opening an additional connection for a [[transfer_queue|background transfer]] or opening a [[shell_session|separate shell session]].
You can choose not to keep the password in the memory, for an increased protection, using the preference option //[[ui_pref_security|Remember password for duration of session]]//. ((Note that the //[[ui_pref_integration_app|Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY]]// preference option has the same effect, so you have to disable both, to avoid automatic authentication of additional connections.)) You can choose not to keep the password in the memory, for an increased protection, using the preference option //[[ui_pref_security|Remember password for duration of session]]//. ((Note that the //[[ui_pref_integration_app|Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY]]// preference option has the same effect, so you have to disable both, to avoid automatic authentication of additional connections.))

Last modified: by martin