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2005-12-16 2005-12-16
clarify (martin) capital (martin)
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===== Session Color ===== ===== Session Color =====
-If you like, you can associate color with each session. The color will influence [[ui_file_panel|file panels]] as well as session item in [[ui_toolbars#opened_sessions_list|opened session drop down menu]]. You can associate the color with stored session on [[ui_login_session|Login dialog]]. to change color of already opened session go to //View > Color// in [[ui_explorer|Explorer-like interface]] or+If you like, you can associate color with each session. The color will influence [[ui_file_panel|file panels]] as well as session item in [[ui_toolbars#opened_sessions_list|opened session drop down menu]]. You can associate the color with stored session on [[ui_login_session|Login dialog]]. To change color of already opened session go to //View > Color// in [[ui_explorer|Explorer-like interface]] or
//Options > Color// in [[ui_commander|Norton Commander interface]]. //Options > Color// in [[ui_commander|Norton Commander interface]].

Last modified: by martin