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2018-10-17 2019-03-27
5.14 Bug 1393 Close button on session tab (martin) 5.15 released - removing beta notices (martin)
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To close connection, while keeping the WinSCP opened, go to //Session > Disconnect//. To close connection, while keeping the WinSCP opened, go to //Session > Disconnect//.
-Another easy way to close a session (and even a non-active session) is using the X button on a [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]]. &beta_feature+Another easy way to close a session (and even a non-active session) is using the X button on a [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]].
When you disconnect the last opened session, the [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will automatically show. You can to use it to open another session. If you close it without opening any, WinSCP will by default close completely. You can change that using preference option //[[ui_pref_window#miscellaneous|Keep main window open when the last session is closed]]//. When you disconnect the last opened session, the [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will automatically show. You can to use it to open another session. If you close it without opening any, WinSCP will by default close completely. You can change that using preference option //[[ui_pref_window#miscellaneous|Keep main window open when the last session is closed]]//.

Last modified: by martin