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task_connections 2019-09-30 task_connections 2023-05-24 (current)
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===== [[opening_additional_connection]] Opening Additional Sessions ===== ===== [[opening_additional_connection]] Opening Additional Sessions =====
-Once you have opened your first session and the main window shows up, you can open additional sessions using //Session > New Session// or the corresponding toolbar button or [[#keyboard|keyboard shortcut]]. The [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will show. There you can choose some of your [[session_configuration#site|sites]] or enter the login details manually. To directly open a site, go to //Session > Sites//.+Once you have opened your first session and the main window shows up, you can open additional sessions using //Tabs > New Tab [> Remote Tab]// or the corresponding toolbar button or [[ui_tabs#keyboard|keyboard shortcut]]. The [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will show. There you can choose some of your [[session_configuration#site|sites]] or enter the login details manually. To directly open a site, go to //Tabs > Sites//.
The newly opened session will become active. The newly opened session will become active.
You can use WinSCP [[ui_jump_list|jump list]] to reopen recent sessions too. You can use WinSCP [[ui_jump_list|jump list]] to reopen recent sessions too.
-===== [[switch]] Switching Sessions ===== 
-Once you have several sessions opened you can switch among them. Use [[ui_sessiontabs|session tabs]] for that. Or just go to //Session > Opened Sessions// or [[#keyboard|keyboard shortcuts]]. 
-By default each opened session remembers its own panel state, including focused file and [[ui_file_panel#sorting_files|panel sorting]]. In [[ui_commander|Commander interface]] the local panel remembers also the last used local directory for each session. This behavior can be [[ui_pref_panels#common|turned off for both panels]], or for [[ui_pref_commander#panels|local panel only]]. 
===== [[closing]] Closing Session ===== ===== [[closing]] Closing Session =====
-To disconnect a connection, while keeping the WinSCP opened (or connection tab //in the latest beta version//), &beta go to //Session > Disconnect (Session)//. //In the latest beta version,// to close the session tab, go to //Session > Close Session//. &beta+To disconnect a connection, while keeping the connection tab open, go to //Tabs > Disconnect Session//. To close the session tab, go to //Tabs > Close Tab// or [[ui_tabs#working|close the tab itself]].
-Another easy way to close a session (and even a non-active session) is using the X button on a [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]].+When the last connection is closed, [[ui_login|Login dialog]] shows automatically, by default. You can [[ui_pref_window#miscellaneous|turn that off in preferences]].
You can also have session disconnected automatically once [[once_done|an operation finishes]]. You can also have session disconnected automatically once [[once_done|an operation finishes]].
===== [[saving]] Saving Opened Session ===== ===== [[saving]] Saving Opened Session =====
-If you have opened ad hoc session, but then you decide that you want it in [[ui_login|site list]], you can use command //Session > Save Session as Site//.·+If you have opened ad hoc session, but then you decide that you want it in [[ui_login|site list]], you can use command //Tabs > Save Session as Site//.
Even if the site you are connected to is already stored in the site list, you can use the command to change the site's initial state (such as [[ui_login_directories#directories|directories]], [[task_navigate#synchronize_browsing|synchronized browsing state]] and [[#session_color|session color]]) to current ones. Even if the site you are connected to is already stored in the site list, you can use the command to change the site's initial state (such as [[ui_login_directories#directories|directories]], [[task_navigate#synchronize_browsing|synchronized browsing state]] and [[#session_color|session color]]) to current ones.
-===== [[renaming]] Renaming Session ===== 
-Particularly when you have multiple sessions opened to the same site, you may want to distinguish them by giving individual sessions a unique name. To rename the current session, go to //Session > Rename Session//. 
-An opened session name is preserved in a [[workspace]]. 
-===== [[keyboard]] Keyboard Shortcuts ===== 
-[[ui_commander_key#session_management|Keyboard shortcuts]] for session management are the same for both interfaces. 
===== [[session_color]] Session Color ===== ===== [[session_color]] Session Color =====
-If you like, you can associate color with each session. The color will influence [[ui_file_panel|file panels]], [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]], site item in [[ui_login|site list]] and well as initial color of associated [[ui_editor|internal editors]]. You can associate the color with site on [[ui_login_advanced#color|Advanced Site Settings dialog]]. To change color of already opened session go to //View > Color// in [[ui_explorer|Explorer interface]] or +If you like, you can associate color with each session. The color will influence [[ui_file_panel|file panels]], [[ui_tabs|tab]], site item in [[ui_login|site list]] and well as initial color of associated [[ui_editor|internal editors]]. You can associate the color with site on [[ui_login_advanced#color|Advanced Site Settings dialog]]. To change color of already opened session go to //Tabs > Color//.
-//Options > Color// in [[ui_commander|Commander interface]].+
&screenshotpict(tabs) &screenshotpict(tabs)
-===== Workspaces ===== 
-You can save all our opened sessions into [[workspace]] and restore them later. 

Last modified: by martin