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2019-03-19 2019-03-19
no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted) Restored revision 1546682184. Undoing revision 1552989562. (martin) (hidden)
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===== [[duplicate]] Duplicating Remote Files ===== ===== [[duplicate]] Duplicating Remote Files =====
-To duplicate remote files, [[ui_file_panel#selegfhdfghdfghdfghdfghcting_files|select them in file panel]] and then go to //File(s) > Duplicate//.+To duplicate remote files, [[ui_file_panel#selecting_files|select them in file panel]] and then go to //File(s) > Duplicate//.
You can also drop remote files to any [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]] to duplicate them. You can also drop remote files to any [[ui_sessiontabs|session tab]] to duplicate them.

Last modified: by martin