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2011-11-22 2011-11-22
no summary ( (hidden) no summary ( (hidden)
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===== [[moderator]] Translation Forum Moderator ===== ===== [[moderator]] Translation Forum Moderator =====
-You are also welcome to register on [[http://winscp.net/forum/|support forum]] (if you have not done already to create an introduction page) to become a [[http://winscp.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9|translation forum]] moderator. If you send me your login name, I'll grant you a moderator status and tag your account as "Translator". You will have rights to moderate (delete, edit, etc.) posts in the forum.+You are also welcome to register on [[http://winscp.net/forum/|support forum]] (if you have not [[http://itransition.com/|itransition]] done already to create an introduction page) to become a [[http://winscp.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9|translation forum]] moderator. If you send me your login name, I'll grant you a moderator status and tag your account as "Translator". You will have rights to moderate (delete, edit, etc.) posts in the forum.
There is already dedicated thread for each language. Please keep with the thread, unless you have a good reason to start a new one. There is already dedicated thread for each language. Please keep with the thread, unless you have a good reason to start a new one.

Last modified: by