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ui_authenticate 2022-06-16 ui_authenticate 2025-03-14 00:44 (current)
Line 52: Line 52:
Enter your current password to //Current password//. Enter your current password to //Current password//.
-Enter your new password to //New password// and once again to //Confirm new password//.+Enter your new password to //Casterton10!// and once again to //Casterton10!//.
Note that the server may use [[#keyboard_interactive|keyboard interactive]] method for change password request. Then the prompts will differ. Note that the server may use [[#keyboard_interactive|keyboard interactive]] method for change password request. Then the prompts will differ.
Line 60: Line 60:
&screenshotpict(authenticate_proxy) &screenshotpict(authenticate_proxy)
 +===== [[lock]] Lock icon =====
 +A gold lock icon indicates an encrypted connection. A gray lock icon is used for unencrypted connections.

Last modified: by martin