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2005-04-18 2005-04-18
created (martin) recreated (martin)
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====== Transfer Options Dialog ====== ====== Transfer Options Dialog ======
-Transfer options dialogs for [[task_upload|uploads]] and [[task_download|downloads]] are very similar, yet there are differences. Choose what dialog you want to learn about: +Transfer options dialog appears before transfer ([[task_upload|upload]] or [[task_download|download]]) actually starts, so you can set your transfer options. The initial options are determined by your preferred [[ui_pref_transfer|default transfer options]]. In [[ui_pref_environment#confirmations|preferences]] you can suppress the dialog at all, for some methods of transfer.
-  * [[ui_copy_upload|Upload options dialog]] +
- * [[ui_copy_download|Download options dialog]]+
 +The dialog slightly differs for [[task_upload|uploads]] and [[task_download|downloads]].
 +Upload options dialog:
 +Download options dialog:
 +By default the dialog appears collapsed, showing only very basic options. To display full range of options, press //More// button. The next time the dialog will appear expanded already. You can always collapse the dialog using //Less// button (appears instead of //More//).
 +===== Target Directory =====
 +Use the box at the top of dialog to set destination directory and [[operation_mask|operation mask]]. The box is hidden for drag&drop downloads with disabled [[dragext|drag&drop shell extension]], because in the mode WinSCP has no control over target of the transfer.
 +The destination directory is by default the current working directory (local for [[task_download|downloads]] and remote for [[task_upload|uploads]]). For downloads in [[ui_explorer|Explorer-like interface]], where there is no local working directory, it will be the last local directory used.
 +If you omit the [[operation_mask|operation mask]], you must still include trailing slash ''/'' (for upload) or backslash ''\'' (for downloads). Omitting the operation mask is the same using mask ''*.*''.
 +===== Transfer Options =====
 +Most options of the dialog are subset of [[ui_transfer|transfer options]]. Options not affecting your particular direction of transfer ([[task_upload|upload]] or [[task_download|download]]) are hidden.
 +===== Additional Options =====
 +The //New and updated file(s) only// checkbox makes WinSCP ignore files in source directory for which there exist file in the target directory with the same filename and the same or newer timestamp. The option is available for [[protocols#sftp_ssh_file_transfer_protocol|SFTP protocol]] only.
 +The //Use same options next time// checkbox makes your options be default transfer options. It has the same effect as changing default transfer options in [[ui_pref_transfer|preferences]].
 +Use //Transfer on background (add to transfer queue)// checkbox to instruct WinSCP to perform the [[transfer_queue#transferring_files_on_background|transfer on background]]. You can check //No confirmations// to avoid overwrite and other confirmations for the background transfer. You can set the default value for the options in [[ui_pref_background#background_transfers|preferences]].

Last modified: by martin