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2018-10-16 2019-03-27
5.14: Bug 1634 Found files can be edited from the Find dialog. (martin) 5.15 released - removing beta notices (martin)
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Use //Focus// button to locate the file or directory selected in results list in the [[ui_file_panel|file panel]]. Use //Focus// button to locate the file or directory selected in results list in the [[ui_file_panel|file panel]].
-Use //Edit// button to [[task_edit|edit]] the files selected in results list. &beta_feature+Use //Edit// button to [[task_edit|edit]] the files selected in results list.
Use //Download// button to [[task_download|download]] the file or directory selected in results list. Use //Download// button to [[task_download|download]] the file or directory selected in results list.

Last modified: by martin