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ui_generateurl 2023-05-24 ui_generateurl 2024-12-10 (current)
Line 7: Line 7:
  * //Manage > Generate Session %%URL/Code%%// command on the [[ui_login|Login dialog]] to generate session %%URL%% or code template for the selected site.   * //Manage > Generate Session %%URL/Code%%// command on the [[ui_login|Login dialog]] to generate session %%URL%% or code template for the selected site.
-To open the dialog to generate a file transfer code, use:+To open the dialog to generate a file ==transfer== code, use:
  * //Transfer Settings > Generate Code// command on the [[ui_copy|Transfer Options dialog]].   * //Transfer Settings > Generate Code// command on the [[ui_copy|Transfer Options dialog]].

Last modified: by martin