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2017-06-28 2017-09-05
beta tag (martin) released 5.11 stable (martin)
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====== Importing Sites ====== ====== Importing Sites ======
-WinSCP allows you to import sites from [[&url(putty)|PuTTY SSH client]], [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla FTP client]] and host keys from OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' file (&beta_feature).+WinSCP allows you to import sites from [[&url(putty)|PuTTY SSH client]], [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla FTP client]] and host keys from OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' file.
&screenshotpict(import) &screenshotpict(import)
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For OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' files, WinSCP looks to ''C:\Users\username\.ssh\known_hosts''. &winpath You can also paste hosts key in OpenSSH format from clipboard using //Paste// button. For OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' files, WinSCP looks to ''C:\Users\username\.ssh\known_hosts''. &winpath You can also paste hosts key in OpenSSH format from clipboard using //Paste// button.
-//In versions prior to the latest beta version,// the checkbox //Import cached host keys for checked sites// makes WinSCP import SSH host keys from the source application cache for hostnames from all selected sites. So you do not need to [[ssh_verifying_the_host_key|verify]] again the SSH host keys that you have verified in the other application already. //The latest beta version// imports the host keys always. &beta+WinSCP imports also SSH host keys from the source application cache for hostnames from all selected sites. So you do not need to [[ssh_verifying_the_host_key|verify]] again the SSH host keys that you have verified in the other application already.
When you finish your selection, press //OK// to import the sites. Note that when the name of imported site collides with name of an existing site, WinSCP appends number to the end of the name to name it unique. When you finish your selection, press //OK// to import the sites. Note that when the name of imported site collides with name of an existing site, WinSCP appends number to the end of the name to name it unique.

Last modified: by martin