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2023-02-09 2023-02-17
6.0 Bug 1551 Added import from KiTTY directly to the Import dialog. (martin) certificate is automatically added to the converted key file (martin)
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When resolving site settings, it considers all ''Host'' directives, even those with wildcards. The following directives are recognized: ''AddressFamily'', ''BindAddress'', ''Compression'', ''ForwardAgent'', ''GSSAPIAuthentication'', ''GSSAPIDelegateCredentials'', ''Hostname'', ''IdentityFile'', ''KbdInteractiveAuthentication'', ''Port'', ''ProxyJump'' (single jump only) and ''User''. When resolving site settings, it considers all ''Host'' directives, even those with wildcards. The following directives are recognized: ''AddressFamily'', ''BindAddress'', ''Compression'', ''ForwardAgent'', ''GSSAPIAuthentication'', ''GSSAPIDelegateCredentials'', ''Hostname'', ''IdentityFile'', ''KbdInteractiveAuthentication'', ''Port'', ''ProxyJump'' (single jump only) and ''User''.
-When private key is found in the ''IdentityFile'' directive, WinSCP will offer you to convert the key to PuTTY format, unless a key file with the same name and ''.ppk'' extension exists already.+When private key is found in the ''IdentityFile'' directive, WinSCP will offer you to convert the key to PuTTY format, unless a key file with the same name and ''.ppk'' extension exists already. //In the latest beta version,// &beta additionally, if certificate file with the same name (but ''-cert.pub'' suffix) is found, it will be automatically added to the converted key file.
===== [[openssh_known_hosts]] OpenSSH known_hosts ===== ===== [[openssh_known_hosts]] OpenSSH known_hosts =====

Last modified: by martin