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2022-06-16 2023-02-08
5.21 stable released (martin) explicit openssh_known_hosts anchor (martin)
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When private key is found in the ''IdentityFile'' directive, WinSCP will offer you to convert the key to PuTTY format, unless a key file with the same name and ''.ppk'' extension exists already. When private key is found in the ''IdentityFile'' directive, WinSCP will offer you to convert the key to PuTTY format, unless a key file with the same name and ''.ppk'' extension exists already.
-===== OpenSSH known_hosts =====+===== [[openssh_known_hosts]] OpenSSH known_hosts =====
For OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' files, WinSCP looks to ''C:\Users\username\.ssh\known_hosts''. &winpath You can also paste hosts key in OpenSSH format from clipboard using //Paste// button. For OpenSSH ''known_hosts'' files, WinSCP looks to ''C:\Users\username\.ssh\known_hosts''. &winpath You can also paste hosts key in OpenSSH format from clipboard using //Paste// button.

Last modified: by martin