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ui_login 2019-10-24 ui_login 2025-01-26 (current)
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&screenshotpict(login) &screenshotpict(login)
-Login dialog also shows automatically on startup and when the last session is [[task_connections#closing|closed]], by default. //In the latest beta version,// you can turn that off by unchecking the //Show Login dialog on startup and when the last session is closed// checkbox. You can revert that in [[ui_pref_window#miscellaneous|preferences]]. &beta+Login dialog also shows automatically on startup and when the last session is [[task_connections#closing|closed]], by default. You can turn that off by unchecking the //Show Login dialog on startup and when the last session is closed// checkbox. You can revert that in [[ui_pref_window#miscellaneous|preferences]].
~~AD~~ ~~AD~~
===== [[new_site]] New Site ===== ===== [[new_site]] New Site =====
-To connect to a new site, select //New Site// node in the tree on the left. Then select [[protocols|protocol]], enter hostname and your user name. Typically you will also need to enter your password. For details see below.+To connect to a new site, select //New Site// node in the tree on the left. Then select [[protocols|protocol]], enter host name and your user name. Typically you will also need to enter your password. For details see below.
To start ad-hoc connection, click //Login// button. To start ad-hoc connection, click //Login// button.
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The //File protocol// selection lets you choose [[protocols|transfer protocol]]. The //File protocol// selection lets you choose [[protocols|transfer protocol]].
-When [[ftp|FTP protocol]] is selected, you can further specify to use basic unsecured variant (//No encryption//) or one of [[ftps#methods|methods to invoke FTPS]]. When [[webdav|WebDAV protocol]] is selected, you can choose between basic unsecured variant and secure one.+When [[ftp|FTP protocol]] is selected, you can further specify to use basic unsecured variant (//No ==encryption==//) or one of [[ftps#methods|methods to invoke FTPS]]. When [[webdav|WebDAV]] or [[s3|S3]] protocol is selected, you can choose between basic unsecured variant and secure one.((With the S3 protocol, selecting the unsecure variant makes sense only, when connecting to 3rd party S3 server, as Amazon S3 does not support unsecure connections.))
-The //Host name// box is where you type the name, or the IP address, of the server you want to connect to. //Host name// is the only mandatory box that must be filled for a session to open. You can use environment variables in the value with syntax ''%NAME%''.+The //Host name// box is where you type the name, or the IP address, of the server you want to connect to. //Host name// is the only mandatory box that must be filled for a session to open. You can use environment variables in the value with syntax ''%NAME%''. If you enter a [[session_url|session URL]] here, it will be parsed.
The //Port number// box lets you specify which port number on the server to connect to. You need to specify it only in rare circumstances, when the server uses non standard protocol.((SSH protocol uses port number 22 by default. FTP protocol uses port number 21 by default. [[ftps|FTPS]] protocol with implicit encryption uses port number 990 by default. WebDAV protocol uses port number 80 by default. Secure WebDAV and Amazon S3 use port 443.)) Otherwise WinSCP selects the standard port number for you. The //Port number// box lets you specify which port number on the server to connect to. You need to specify it only in rare circumstances, when the server uses non standard protocol.((SSH protocol uses port number 22 by default. FTP protocol uses port number 21 by default. [[ftps|FTPS]] protocol with implicit encryption uses port number 990 by default. WebDAV protocol uses port number 80 by default. Secure WebDAV and Amazon S3 use port 443.)) Otherwise WinSCP selects the standard port number for you.
-The //Username// box is where you type your account name on the server. If you do not fill the username, you will be [[ui_authenticate#username|prompted for username]] then.((Except for special scenarios, such as authentication-less connection or [[ui_login_authentication#gssapi|GSSAPI authentication]].)) You can use environment variables in the value with syntax ''%NAME%''. For Amazon S3, use //[[guide_amazon_s3#connecting|Access key ID]]//.+The //User name// box is where you type your account name on the server. If you do not fill the username, you will be [[ui_authenticate#username|prompted for username]] then.((Except for special scenarios, such as authentication-less connection or [[ui_login_authentication#gssapi|GSSAPI authentication]].)) You can use environment variables in the value with syntax ''%NAME%''. For Amazon S3, use //[[guide_amazon_s3#connecting|Access key ID]]//.
The //Password// box is for the password associated with the account. You are advised not to fill it in if you are going to [[session_configuration#site|save the site]]. If you decide to do so nevertheless, do not forget to force password storing on the //[[ui_login_save|Save session as dialog]]//. Also do not fill the password if you are going to use other [[ssh#authentication|authentication method]] (like public key). If you do not fill the password and other authentication methods fail (password authentication has the lowest preference), you will be [[ui_authenticate#password|prompted for password]] then. For Amazon %%S3%%, use //[[guide_amazon_s3#connecting|Secret access key]]//. The //Password// box is for the password associated with the account. You are advised not to fill it in if you are going to [[session_configuration#site|save the site]]. If you decide to do so nevertheless, do not forget to force password storing on the //[[ui_login_save|Save session as dialog]]//. Also do not fill the password if you are going to use other [[ssh#authentication|authentication method]] (like public key). If you do not fill the password and other authentication methods fail (password authentication has the lowest preference), you will be [[ui_authenticate#password|prompted for password]] then. For Amazon %%S3%%, use //[[guide_amazon_s3#connecting|Secret access key]]//.
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With [[ftp|FTP protocol]] you can use //Anonymous login//. It effectively sets the //User name// to ''anonymous'' and //Password// to ''anonymous@example.com''. With [[ftp|FTP protocol]] you can use //Anonymous login//. It effectively sets the //User name// to ''anonymous'' and //Password// to ''anonymous@example.com''.
-If you need to configure advanced settings, click //Advanced// button to open [[ui_login_advanced|Advanced Site Settings dialog]] or //Advanced > Edit Raw Settings// command to open [[ui_login_raw|Raw Site Settings dialog]] (&beta_feature).+With [[s3|S3 protocol]] you can use ==?read_credentials== //Credentials from %%AWS%% environment//. The discovered credentials will show in the respective boxes, but they won't be saved. They will be read again each time you login. The IAM role, ''AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'', ''AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'', ''AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'', ''AWS_CONFIG_FILE'', ''AWS_PROFILE'' and ''AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE'' //(latest beta version only)// &beta environment variables and the profiles in the default ''.aws\credentials'' and ''.aws\config'' //(beta only)// &beta configuration files are used in the same order as AWS tools do. You can choose specific profile in combo box next to the checkbox.
-If there is a note associated with the site, it appears below //Session// box. To add or edit the site note go to //[[ui_login_note|Note page]]// of Advanced Site Settings dialog.+If you need to configure advanced settings, click //Advanced// button to open [[ui_login_advanced|Advanced Site Settings dialog]]. For settings not directly available in the interface and other special needs, use //Advanced > Edit Raw Settings// command to open [[ui_login_raw|Raw Site Settings dialog]]. For configuring [[transfer_settings#presets|transfer settings preset]] for the site, use //Advanced > Transfer Settings Rule// to open [[ui_transfer_preset|Transfer Settings Preset editor]]. 
 +If there is a ==note== associated with the site, it appears below //Session// box. To add or edit the site note go to //[[ui_login_note|Note page]]// of Advanced Site Settings dialog.
===== [[management]] Sites Sessions Management ===== ===== [[management]] Sites Sessions Management =====
The list on the left shows saved [[session_configuration#site|sites]] and [[workspace|workspaces]]. You should select from there a site, site folder, or workspace to work with before pressing one of the //Login// or //Edit// (sites only) buttons; or using //Delete//, //Rename// or other commands from the //Manage// menu button (also available from context menu). The list on the left shows saved [[session_configuration#site|sites]] and [[workspace|workspaces]]. You should select from there a site, site folder, or workspace to work with before pressing one of the //Login// or //Edit// (sites only) buttons; or using //Delete//, //Rename// or other commands from the //Manage// menu button (also available from context menu).
-Double·clicking a site or workspace opens it (as if you have clicked the //Login// button).+Double-clicking a site or workspace opens it (as if you have clicked the //Login// button).
To open all sites in a site folder, select the folder and press the //Login// button. To open all sites in a site folder, select the folder and press the //Login// button.
-If you have many sites, you can incrementally search for a site by typing part of its name. Then you can use ''Tab'' (or ''Shift-Tab'') to search next (previous) matching sites. Press ''Esc'' to cancel searching. In the //Incremental Search// submenu of list context menu, you can select one of the search modes: //Beginning of Site Name Only//, //Any Part of Site Name// or //All Major Site Fields// (name, hostname, user name and note).+If you have many sites, you can ==incremental==ly search for a site by typing part of its name. Then you can use ''Tab'' (or ''Shift-Tab'') to search next (previous) matching sites. Press ''Esc'' to cancel searching. In the //Incremental Search// submenu of list context menu, you can select one of the search modes: //Beginning of Site Name Only//, //Any Part of Site Name// or //All Major Site Fields// (name, hostname, user name and note).
==== [[folders]] Site Folders ==== ==== [[folders]] Site Folders ====
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==== [[edit]] Editing Existing Site ==== ==== [[edit]] Editing Existing Site ====
-Use //Edit// button to start editing selected site. After you complete your changes, save them with //Save// button. You can also save modified site under a new name using //Save As// command from drop·down menu of //Save// button.+Use //Edit// button to start editing selected site. After you complete your changes, save them with //Save// button. You can also save a modified site under a new name using //Save As// command from drop-down menu of //Save// button.
Use //Cancel// button to rollback your changes. Use //Cancel// button to rollback your changes.
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The //Manage > Delete// command (or ''Del'' key) deletes selected site, site folder or workspace. Deleting a site folder deletes all the sites it contains. The //Manage > Delete// command (or ''Del'' key) deletes selected site, site folder or workspace. Deleting a site folder deletes all the sites it contains.
-==== Renaming ====+==== [[renaming]] Renaming ====
Use the //Manage > Rename// command to rename selected site, site folder or workspace. Use the //Manage > Rename// command to rename selected site, site folder or workspace.
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==== [[opening_in_putty]] Opening Site in PuTTY ==== ==== [[opening_in_putty]] Opening Site in PuTTY ====
-You can open configured session or selected site in [[integration_putty#open_putty_new|PuTTY SSH client]] instead of WinSCP. Use //Manage > Open in PuTTY// command.((Hold down ''Shift'' key to open the site in PuTTY without closing WinSCP Login dialog.))+You can open configured session, the selected site or all sites in the selected folder in [[integration_putty#open_putty_new|PuTTY SSH client]] instead of WinSCP. Use //Manage > Open in PuTTY// command.((Hold down ''Shift'' key to open the site in PuTTY without closing WinSCP Login dialog.)) 
 +Opening sessions that require an SSH tunnel is not possible this way. You have to first open the session with the tunnel in WinSCP and only then open the session in PuTTY.
==== [[defaults]] Default Session Settings ==== ==== [[defaults]] Default Session Settings ====
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==== [[pasting]] Pasting Session URL ==== ==== [[pasting]] Pasting Session URL ====
-Use the //Manage > Paste Session URL// or ''Ctrl+V'' to paste [[session_url|session URL]] from clipboard. It gets parsed into //File protocol//, //Host name//, //Username//, etc. The command is available only for //New Site// node or when editing site.+Use the //Manage > Paste Session %%URL%%// or ''Ctrl+V'' to paste a [[session_url|session URL]] from the clipboard. It gets parsed into //File protocol//, //Host name//, //Username//, etc. The command is available only for //New Site// node or when editing site.
==== Generating Session URL or Code ==== ==== Generating Session URL or Code ====
-Use the //Manage > Generate Session URL/Code// to open [[ui_generateurl|Generate Session URL/Code]] dialog for selected site.+Use the //Manage > Generate Session %%URL%%/Code// to open [[ui_generateurl|Generate Session URL/Code]] dialog for selected site.
===== [[tools]] Tools Menu===== ===== [[tools]] Tools Menu=====

Last modified: by martin