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2008-04-28 2009-03-05
4.1 putty 0.60 refuses camouflage desc update (martin) 4.2 bug 314 max packet size bug (martin)
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If this bug is detected, WinSCP will never initiate a repeat key exchange. If this bug is enabled when talking to a correct server, the session should still function, but may be less secure than you would expect. If this bug is detected, WinSCP will never initiate a repeat key exchange. If this bug is enabled when talking to a correct server, the session should still function, but may be less secure than you would expect.
-This is an SSH-2-specific bug. ((&puttydoccite))+This is an SSH-2-specific bug.
 +===== Ignores SSH-2 maximum packet size =====
 +When an SSH-2 channel is set up, each end announces the maximum size
 +of data packet that it is willing to receive for that channel.  Some
 +servers ignore WinSCP's announcement and send packets larger than WinSCP
 +is willing to accept, causing it to report "Incoming packet was
 +garbled on decryption".
 +If this bug is detected, WinSCP never allows the channel's
 +flow-control window to grow large enough to allow the server to
 +send an over-sized packet.  If this bug is enabled when talking to a
 +correct server, the session will work correctly, but download
 +performance will be less than it could be. ((&puttydoccite))

Last modified: by martin