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2005-07-07 2005-07-07
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-====== SCP Tab ======!+====== SCP Tab ======
//SCP tab// allows user to configure [[protocols|SCP protocol]] specific options. Mostly it helps WinSCP to modify remote environment to match its [[requirements#scp_requirements|requirements]]. Even if you are using [[protocols|SFTP protocol]], the options may be important for you if you are using some feature that require [[shell_session|separate shell session]]. //SCP tab// allows user to configure [[protocols|SCP protocol]] specific options. Mostly it helps WinSCP to modify remote environment to match its [[requirements#scp_requirements|requirements]]. Even if you are using [[protocols|SFTP protocol]], the options may be important for you if you are using some feature that require [[shell_session|separate shell session]].

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