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2010-03-07 2010-12-04
Restored revision 1231313156. Undoing revision 1267981406. (martin) (hidden) no summary ( (hidden)
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&screenshotpict(login_stored_sessions) &screenshotpict(login_stored_sessions)
-===== Session Management =====+===== Session Management =====1111111111111
The list box shows list of already saved stored sessions. You should select there a session to work with before pressing one of the //Login//, //Edit//, //Delete//, //Rename// and //Shell icon// buttons. Double clicking a session has same effect as selecting it and pressing //Login// button as long as at least host name and username are filled. The list box shows list of already saved stored sessions. You should select there a session to work with before pressing one of the //Login//, //Edit//, //Delete//, //Rename// and //Shell icon// buttons. Double clicking a session has same effect as selecting it and pressing //Login// button as long as at least host name and username are filled.

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