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ui_login_stored_sessions 2013-11-11 ui_login_stored_sessions (current)
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-====== Sites/Stored Sessions Page (Login Dialog) ======  
-The //Sites/Stored Sessions page// on the [[ui_login|Login dialog]] allows user to manage the [[session_configuration#site|sites]] (stored sessions). &beta It also allows you to set [[session_configuration#default|default session options]].  
-===== Sites/Stored Sessions Management ===== 
-The list box shows list of saved [[session_configuration#site|sites]] (stored sessions) and [[workspace|workspaces]]. &beta You should select there a site, site folder, or workspace to work with before pressing one of the //Login//, //Edit// (sites only), //Delete//, //Rename// and //Shell icon// buttons. 
-Double clicking a site or workspace has same effect as selecting it and pressing //Login// button. 
-To open all sites in site folder, select the folder and press //Login// button. 
-If you have many sites, you can quickly jump to a site by typing any part of its name. Then you can use ''Tab'' (or ''Shift-Tab'') to search next (previous) matching sites. Press ''Esc'' to cancel searching. 
-==== [[folders]] Site/Stored Session Folders ==== 
-The sites (stored sessions) &beta can be organized into folders. Expand/collapse folder by double-clicking on its name.  
-Use the //New folder// button to create new site folder. To create subfolder, use path syntax "folder/subfolder" (Select the parent folder before pressing button to have the path prefilled). Note that empty folders are not preserved. 
-==== Creating/Adding New Site ==== 
-The //New// button resets session options on the Login dialog to the [[session_configuration#default|default ones]] and switches to //[[ui_login_session|Session page]]//. 
-After you set your session options, you can [[session_configuration#stored|store them as new site]]. 
-==== [[edit]] Editing Existing Site/Stored Session ==== 
-The //Edit// button loads options for selected site (stored session) &beta to Login dialog and switches to //[[ui_login_session|Session page]]// to allow modifications. To edit existing site, first load it, modify your options and than save it back (under the same or different name). 
-==== Deleting Site/Stored Session ==== 
-The //Delete// button deletes selected site (stored session) &beta or site folder. Deleting a site folder deletes all the sites it contains. 
-==== Renaming Site/Stored Session ==== 
-Use the //Rename// button to rename selected site (stored session) &beta or site folder. 
-==== Creating Shortcuts to Site/Stored Session ==== 
-Use //Shell icon// to create [[integration#desktop_and_quick_launch_icons|Desktop]] and [[integration#send_to|'Send To']] shortcut icons for selected site (stored session). &beta Note that if you delete the site the existing icons will not work anymore. 
-==== Session Color ==== 
-If the site (stored session) &beta has [[task_connections#session_color|associated color]], the color is used to render the site item in the list. 
-===== Tools Button ===== 
-//Tools// button displays menu with various utilities: 
-  * [[ui_import|Import Sites]] (to import sites from PuTTY or FileZilla) 
-  * [[config#import|Import/Restore Configuration]] 
-  * [[config#export|Export/Backup Configuration]] 
-  * [[ui_pageant|Run Pageant]] 
-  * [[ui_puttygen|Run PuTTYgen]] 
-  * [[ui_cleanup|Clean Up]] (to clean up data stored on your computer by WinSCP) 
-  * [[updates|Check for Updates]] (to query WinSCP homepage for updates) 
-The //Tools// button is available only, when Login dialog is opened on WinSCP start. 
-===== Further Reading ===== 
-Read more about [[ui_login|Login dialog]] and its other [[ui_login#pages|pages]].