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ui_synchronize 2005-02-10 ui_synchronize 2025-01-28 (current)
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-====== Synchronize dialog box ====== +====== Synchronize Dialog ====== 
-Most likely what you want to know about this page is answered here:+In Synchronize Dialog you select direction, mode and options for [[task_synchronize_full|synchronization]]. To display the dialog go to //Commands > Synchronize// or click respective [[ui_toolbars|toolbar]] button.
-[[faq_synch_direction|What do direction options (local, remote, both) for Synchronisation mean?]]+&screenshotpict(synchronize)
-Someone official will probably have to finish off this page to answer anything else :)+===== Directories ===== 
 +Enter root directories for the synchronization into //Local directory// and //Remote directory// boxes. By default the current working directories will be used. In the [[ui_explorer|Explorer interface]], where there is no local working directory, it will be the last local directory used. 
 +===== Direction/Target directory ===== 
 +Use options //Both//, //Remote// or //Local// to select your preferred [[task_synchronize_full#direction|synchronization direction]]. 
 +===== Mode ===== 
 +Use options //Synchronize files//, //Mirror files// or //Synchronize timestamps// to select your preferred [[task_synchronize_full#mode|synchronization mode]]. 
 +===== [[options]] Synchronize Options ===== 
 +The //Delete files// checkbox makes WinSCP delete files and subdirectories in target directory that are not present in a source directory. The option is not available for //Both// direction, because then such files and subdirectories are always considered as new and transferred into the opposite directory (unless //Existing files only// is checked).((If you want to synchronize file removals, install an extension [[library_example_two_way_synchronize_delete|*]].)) Deleted local files are moved to recycle bin if preference option //[[ui_pref_panels#common|Delete local files to recycle bin]]// is enabled only. 
 +The //Existing files only// checkbox makes WinSCP not to consider files and subdirectories not existing in an opposite directory as new. Such files and subdirectories will be ignored. 
 +The //Preview changes// checkbox makes WinSCP display [[ui_synchronize_checklist|synchronization checklist]] to allow you to further refine what changes you want to actually make. 
 +The //Selected files only// checkbox makes WinSCP synchronize only files and directories [[ui_file_panel#selecting_files|selected in any file panel]]. The option is not available, if no file or directory is selected. 
 +===== [[criteria]] Comparison Criteria ===== 
 +The section defines criteria for determining whether two files (local and remote) are the same or not. 
 +With //Modification time// checked (default) two files are considered different when they have different timestamps. 
 +With //File size// checked two files are considered different when they have different sizes. The option is not available with //Both// direction selected. When using the option, you should avoid [[transfer_mode|text transfer mode]] as it may change the file size. 
 +With //Checksum// checked two files are considered different when they have different checksums. The option is not available with //Both// direction selected. Requires [[protocols#checksum|support for calculating checksum]]. SHA-256 checksum is used by default, with automatic fallback to SHA-1, when not supported. 
 +When //Modification time// is checked along with any other the other two, it has higher priority. As a consequence, in the default //Synchronize files// [[task_synchronize_full#mode|synchronization mode]], a file is not considered updated, despite having different size or checksum, if the source file is older than the destination file. 
 +When no option is checked, existing files are considered the same always. So only new files are synchronized. 
 +With //Both// direction selected, //Modification time// is always checked and the other criteria are unchecked.  
 +For //Synchronize timestamps// mode checkbox //Same size only// is available. It makes WinSCP update timestamp of the files, that have same size in both directories, only. The mode is available with [[sftp|SFTP protocol]] only. 
 +Use the //Case sensitive// checkbox to make WinSCP consider files with the same name but a different letter case to be different. 
 +===== [[saving_options]] Saving Options ===== 
 +Check //Use same options next time// if you want to make your options be default next time you use function //[[task_synchronize_full|Synchronize]]//. This will not save transfer settings. You can change default transfer settings in [[ui_pref_transfer|preferences]]. Note that defaults affect function //[[task_keep_up_to_date|Keep remote directory up to date]]// as well. 
 +In [[ui_explorer|Explorer interface]] synchronization direction is saved too.  
 +In [[ui_commander|Commander interface]] the direction is initially autoselected based on the currently active [[ui_file_panel|file panel]]. To disable autoselection you need to select different direction than autoselected, check //Use same options next time// and then confirm that you really want to make the new direction default. Note that there is no way to revert back to autoselection. 
 +===== Transfer Settings ===== 
 +//Transfer settings// box shows current [[transfer_settings|transfer settings]]. 
 +To change the settings, use //Transfer settings// button to show [[ui_transfer_custom|Transfer Settings dialog]] (alternatively you may click //Transfer settings// box). Clicking drop-down icon on the button reveals menu with list of configured [[transfer_settings#presets|presets]]. Command //Configure// opens Preferences dialog on //[[ui_pref_transfer|Transfer page]]//. 
 +You may want to change transfer settings particularly to [[ui_transfer_custom#other|exclude certain files and subdirectories]] from synchronization. Although the [[file_mask|file mask]] is part of transfer settings, in context of synchronization it affects also file deletion. 
 +===== [[new_window]] Starting in New Window ===== 
 +In the drop-down menu of the //OK// button, you can also start synchronization in a separate window, to avoid blocking the current window. 
 +An alternative is to [[ui_synchronize_checklist#background|push synchronization actions into background queue]] from the Synchronization checklist window.

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