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2005-12-15 2006-02-02
ui_synchronize_checklist (martin) Synchronize timestamps only work with SFTP protocol only (martin)
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===== Synchronize Options ===== ===== Synchronize Options =====
-The //Synchronize timestamps only, not files// checkbox makes WinSCP just update timestamps of existing files. It will not do any transfers, nor delete anything. Simply, whenever it finds the same file in both directories it updates the timestamp of target file to match the one of source file. In //Both// mode it always updates the older timestamp. With the option set, the most other options cannot be configured.+The //Synchronize timestamps only, not files// checkbox makes WinSCP just update timestamps of existing files. It will not do any transfers, nor delete anything. Simply, whenever it finds the same file in both directories it updates the timestamp of target file to match the one of source file. In //Both// mode it always updates the older timestamp. With the option set, the most other options cannot be configured. The option is available with [[protocols#sftp|SFTP protocol]] only.
The //Delete files// checkbox makes WinSCP delete files and subdirectories in target directory that are not present in a source directory. The option is not available for //Both// mode, because in the mode such files and subdirectories are always considered as new and transfered into the opposite directory (unless //Existing files only// is checked). Deleted local files are moved to recycle bin if preference option //[[ui_pref_panels#common_options|Delete local files to recycle bin]]// is enabled only. The //Delete files// checkbox makes WinSCP delete files and subdirectories in target directory that are not present in a source directory. The option is not available for //Both// mode, because in the mode such files and subdirectories are always considered as new and transfered into the opposite directory (unless //Existing files only// is checked). Deleted local files are moved to recycle bin if preference option //[[ui_pref_panels#common_options|Delete local files to recycle bin]]// is enabled only.

Last modified: by martin