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2011-03-31 2011-05-26
Restored revision 1300222530. Undoing revision 1301556762. (martin) (hidden) exclude/include mask affects deletion too (martin)
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To change the settings, use //Transfer settings// button. It will reveal drop down menu with list of configured [[transfer_settings#transfer_settings_presets|presets]]. Use special command //Custom// to configure [[ui_transfer_custom|ad hoc transfer settings]] (alternatively you may double-click //Transfer settings// box). Command //Configure// opens Preferences dialog on //[[ui_pref_presets|Presets tab]]//. To change the settings, use //Transfer settings// button. It will reveal drop down menu with list of configured [[transfer_settings#transfer_settings_presets|presets]]. Use special command //Custom// to configure [[ui_transfer_custom|ad hoc transfer settings]] (alternatively you may double-click //Transfer settings// box). Command //Configure// opens Preferences dialog on //[[ui_pref_presets|Presets tab]]//.
-You may want to change transfer settings particularly to [[ui_transfer#other_options|exclude certain files and subdirectories]] from synchronization.+You may want to change transfer settings particularly to [[ui_transfer#other_options|exclude certain files and subdirectories]] from synchronization. Although the exlude/include [[file_mask|mask]] is part of transfer settings, in context of synchronization it affects also file deletion.

Last modified: by martin