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2005-05-09 2005-12-05
created (martin) mistake "presets" => "transfer settings" (martin)
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====== Custom Transfer Settings Dialog ====== ====== Custom Transfer Settings Dialog ======
-Custom Transfer Settings Dialog is used to configure custom transfer settings for functions //[[task_synchronize_full|Synchronize]]// and //[[task_keep_up_to_date|Keep remote directory up to date]]//. To customize the settings, go to //Presets > Custom// on the respective options dialog (you can also double-click the //Transfer settings// box).+Custom Transfer Settings Dialog is used to configure custom transfer settings for functions //[[task_synchronize_full|Synchronize]]// and //[[task_keep_up_to_date|Keep remote directory up to date]]//. To customize the settings, go to //Transfer settings > Custom// on the respective options dialog (you can also double-click the //Transfer settings// box).
&screenshotpict(transfer_custom) &screenshotpict(transfer_custom)
The controls for setting transfer options are documented in separate chapter [[ui_transfer|Transfer Settings]]. The controls for setting transfer options are documented in separate chapter [[ui_transfer|Transfer Settings]].

Last modified: by martin