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2012-07-23 2012-09-24
modifications apply for synchronization too (martin) 5.1 is stable (martin)
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In the //File mask// you can specify [[file_mask|file mask]] to select/deselect files (or file types) and directories for the transfer. The option also selects files for [[task_synchronize_full|synchronization]] and //[[task_keep_up_to_date|Keep remote directory up to date]]// function. In the //File mask// you can specify [[file_mask|file mask]] to select/deselect files (or file types) and directories for the transfer. The option also selects files for [[task_synchronize_full|synchronization]] and //[[task_keep_up_to_date|Keep remote directory up to date]]// function.
-Press //Edit// button to edit the file mask in [[ui_editmask|File mask dialog]]. &beta_feature+Press //Edit// button to edit the file mask in [[ui_editmask|File mask dialog]].

Last modified: by martin