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2013-04-10 2013-04-10
5.2 ◦Moved the Newer and updated files only option to Transfer settings (martin) tag + hint for previous versions (martin)
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Press //Edit// button to edit the file mask in [[ui_editmask|File mask dialog]]. Press //Edit// button to edit the file mask in [[ui_editmask|File mask dialog]].
-The //New and updated file(s) only// checkbox makes WinSCP ignore files in source directory for which there exist file in the target directory with the same filename and the same or newer timestamp. The option is not available for uploads with [[scp|SCP protocol]]. Make sure WinSCP can correctly [[timestamp|convert timestamps]] from local conventions to remote server conventions and vice versa before using the option.+The //New and updated file(s) only// checkbox makes WinSCP ignore files in source directory for which there exist file in the target directory with the same filename and the same or newer timestamp. The option is not available for uploads with [[scp|SCP protocol]]. Make sure WinSCP can correctly [[timestamp|convert timestamps]] from local conventions to remote server conventions and vice versa before using the option. &beta_feature //In previous versions the option is available on [[ui_copy|Transfer Options Dialog]].//

Last modified: by martin