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2013-10-24 2013-10-25
5.2.5 Bug 842: Removing BOM/EOF marks on text mode uploads is configurable and disabled by default (martin) bom/eof removal is supported with sftp and scp only (martin)
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The //Clear 'Archive' attribute// checkbox makes WinSCP unset the "archive" attribute of source files once the upload finishes. The //Clear 'Archive' attribute// checkbox makes WinSCP unset the "archive" attribute of source files once the upload finishes.
-Enable //Remove BOM and EOF marks// to make WinSCP remove UTF-8 byte-order masks and eof-of-file marks from files uploaded using [[transfer_mode|text mode transfers]]. Enable the option, if your remote system cannot handle these marks. The option is not available when binary transfer mode is selected.+Enable //Remove BOM and EOF marks// to make WinSCP remove UTF-8 byte-order masks and eof-of-file marks from files uploaded using [[transfer_mode|text mode transfers]]. Enable the option, if your remote system cannot handle these marks. The option is supported with SFTP and SCP protocols only; and is not available, when binary transfer mode is selected.
==== Download Options ==== ==== Download Options ====

Last modified: by martin