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2013-10-25 2013-11-05
bom/eof removal is supported with sftp and scp only (martin) want to have proper double-quotes in syntax (martin)
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On download, WinSCP: On download, WinSCP:
-  * Replaces characters that are not allowed in Windows filenames (''/\:*?\"<>|'') with ''%XX'', where ''XX'' is hexadecimal representation of character ASCII code;+  * Replaces characters that are not allowed in Windows filenames (''/\:*?\%%"%%<>|'') with ''%XX'', where ''XX'' is hexadecimal representation of character ASCII code;
  * Replaces trailing space with ''%20'';   * Replaces trailing space with ''%20'';
  * Replaces trailing dot with ''%2E'';   * Replaces trailing dot with ''%2E'';

Last modified: by martin