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2017-12-21 2018-01-25
5.12 Bug 572 Amazon S3 protocol support. (martin) calculate transfer sized must be enabled for multiple background connections to be used (martin)
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Note that while you may have rights to overwrite the remote file, you may not have rights to change its timestamp. See //[[#upload|Ignore permissions errors]]//. With FTP protocol, preserving timestamp of uploaded files may not be supported with old FTP servers.((Server needs to support ''MFMT'' command.)) The option is also disabled when configuring transfer settings for [[task_synchronize_full|synchronization]], as preserving timestamps is mandatory then.((Unless comparison criteria //[[ui_synchronize#criteria|Modification time]]// is turned off.)) Most WebDAV servers do not support preserving timestamps, but as the capability is not detectable, the option is available always and when enabled, WinSCP tries to preserve the timestamp and silently continues when the server fails. S3 protocol does support preserving timestamps either. Note that while you may have rights to overwrite the remote file, you may not have rights to change its timestamp. See //[[#upload|Ignore permissions errors]]//. With FTP protocol, preserving timestamp of uploaded files may not be supported with old FTP servers.((Server needs to support ''MFMT'' command.)) The option is also disabled when configuring transfer settings for [[task_synchronize_full|synchronization]], as preserving timestamps is mandatory then.((Unless comparison criteria //[[ui_synchronize#criteria|Modification time]]// is turned off.)) Most WebDAV servers do not support preserving timestamps, but as the capability is not detectable, the option is available always and when enabled, WinSCP tries to preserve the timestamp and silently continues when the server fails. S3 protocol does support preserving timestamps either.
-The //Calculate total size// checkbox make WinSCP calculate total size of all files in all selected directories to be transferred before the actual transfer. It allows it then to estimate time necessary to complete the transfer. Note that if you are going to transfer large number of directories the calculation can take significant time.+The //Calculate total size// checkbox make WinSCP calculate total size of all files in all selected directories to be transferred before the actual transfer. It allows it then to estimate time necessary to complete the transfer. Note that if you are going to transfer large number of directories the calculation can take significant time. If the option is disabled, [[ui_pref_background|multiple connections]] cannot be used for background transfers.
Use //Speed// to limit transfer speed. The limit is in KB/s. You can also change the speed on [[ui_progress|progress windows]] while files are being transferred. To remove speed limit, set it to "Unlimited". Use //Speed// to limit transfer speed. The limit is in KB/s. You can also change the speed on [[ui_progress|progress windows]] while files are being transferred. To remove speed limit, set it to "Unlimited".

Last modified: by martin