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2018-10-23 2018-11-09
5.14 Bug 1653 Files can be optionally encrypted when storing them on SFTP server (martin) footnote after punctuation (martin)
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===== Attributes ===== ===== Attributes =====
==== [[upload]] Upload Options ==== ==== [[upload]] Upload Options ====
-The //Set permissions// checkbox enables you to specify [[ui_permissions|permissions]] to be set for the [[task_upload|uploaded]] files. When unchecked the newly uploaded files will have default permissions·((Note that ''umask'' is not interpreted by some (if not all) SFTP servers.)), which is platform-dependent, and the overwritten files usually preserve their previous permissions, but this can also vary with the platform. Setting permissions is not available if the server does not support UNIX-style permissions.+The //Set permissions// checkbox enables you to specify [[ui_permissions|permissions]] to be set for the [[task_upload|uploaded]] files. When unchecked the newly uploaded files will have default permissions,((Note that ''umask'' is not interpreted by some (if not all) SFTP servers.)) which is platform-dependent, and the overwritten files usually preserve their previous permissions, but this can also vary with the platform. Setting permissions is not available if the server does not support UNIX-style permissions.
To specify the permissions, you can type them directly into the box below. Use either octal format or ''rwxrwxrwx'' form. To enable feature //Add X to directories// add ''+x'' at the end. If you do not want to type permissions directly, use ellipsis button (//...//) to reveal [[ui_permissions|permissions popup box]], or use context menu to choose from typical permissions. To specify the permissions, you can type them directly into the box below. Use either octal format or ''rwxrwxrwx'' form. To enable feature //Add X to directories// add ''+x'' at the end. If you do not want to type permissions directly, use ellipsis button (//...//) to reveal [[ui_permissions|permissions popup box]], or use context menu to choose from typical permissions.

Last modified: by martin