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2022-09-19 2022-11-25
replace anchor (martin) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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===== [[mode]] Transfer Mode ===== ===== [[mode]] Transfer Mode =====
-Use box //Transfer mode// to select preferred [[transfer_mode|transfer mode]]. If you select //Automatic// mode, you should update the text [[file_mask|file mask]] in //Transfer following files in text mode//. The option is not available with WebDAV and S3 protocols.+Use box //Transfer mode// to select preferred [[transfer_mode|transfer mode]]. If you [[select]] //Automatic// mode, you should update the text [[file_mask|file mask]] in //Transfer following files in text mode//. The option is not available with [[WebDAV]] and S3 ''protocols''.
===== [[filename_modification]] Filename Modification ===== ===== [[filename_modification]] Filename Modification =====

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