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2016-01-06 2016-02-16
linking new 5.8 counter descriptions to respective features (martin) ui_installer_selecttasks (martin)
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====== Usage Statistics ====== ====== Usage Statistics ======
-WinSCP can send to WinSCP team non-personal statistics about usage of WinSCP features. The only potentially personal information sent is IP addresses. You can disable this functionality in the [[installation|installer]] or anytime later in [[ui_pref_updates|preferences]].+WinSCP can send to WinSCP team non-personal statistics about usage of WinSCP features. The only potentially personal information sent is IP addresses. You can disable this functionality in the [[ui_installer_selecttasks|installer]] or anytime later in [[ui_pref_updates|preferences]].
WinSCP usage statistics help us improve future versions of WinSCP. Once sent to us, usage statistics are stored for analysis (except IP addresses) and made available to the core WinSCP team only. WinSCP usage statistics help us improve future versions of WinSCP. Once sent to us, usage statistics are stored for analysis (except IP addresses) and made available to the core WinSCP team only.

Last modified: by martin