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Topic review


100% தமிழ் மொழியாக்கம்

Hi Martin,
Tamil translation and 1st round of review is done from my side.
Keep me posted on the release of the version with Tamil language support.
Also, if there are any additional changes in the list of strings, keep me posted.

got the email

With the account details in the e-mail, I was able to log in and download the file for translation. Thank you, I will translate and keep you posted.

Re: Replied on 19th for தமிழ்

Thanks. I've sent you login details in an email.

Replied on 19th for தமிழ்

I have replied to your email the next day. Maybe my reply is blocked as spam. Please check and add my email ID ( to the safe sender.
please find the email reply below.

Hi Team,
We started translating a few years ago during lockdown. At the moment, we used to manually perform most of the translations. It used to take a lot of our time. Now we have built our own automated system with set of Translation Memory. We can do bulk translation and then review them manually. We are a team of three members.

Personally, I will be spending most of my free times (mostly during weekends) reviewing them and updating them. This means that I will be able to support WinSCP's Tamil Translation. Hope this helps.

Tamil Time Team

Re: Any update

As I've written above, I've sent you an email. Did you get it? You didn't respond to it,.

Any update


Re: தமிழ்

Thanks for you offer, I'm sending you an email.


I would like to contribute to Tamil Translation of WinSCP.
Please help me with the translation file.