Search found 13 posts

(Feature Requests > SFTP Signature Algorithms)
SFTP Signature Algorithms

(.NET assembly / COM library > .Net Library - Specify the WinSCP.exe Path)
RE: .Net Library - Specify the WinSCP.exe Path

(Feature Requests > SSH MAC Algorithm Names)
Re: SSH MAC Algorithm Names

(.NET assembly / COM library > .Net Library - Specify the WinSCP.exe Path)
.Net Library - Specify the WinSCP.exe Path

(Feature Requests > SSH MAC Algorithm Names)
Re: SSH MAC Algorithm Names

(Support and Bug Reports > Make WinSCP Use a Specific Encryption Algorithm)
Re: Make WinSCP Use a Specific Encryption Algorithm

(Support and Bug Reports > Make WinSCP Use a Specific Encryption Algorithm)
Make WinSCP Use a Specific Encryption Algorithm

(Feature Requests > SSH MAC Algorithm Names)
SSH MAC Algorithm Names

(.NET assembly / COM library > Make Encryption Algorithm's ssh2_id Property Accessible in .NET Assembly)
Re: Make Encryption Algorithm's ssh2_id Property Accessible in .NET Assembly

(.NET assembly / COM library > SessionOptions.HostName is not set)
SessionOptions.HostName is not set

(.NET assembly / COM library > Make Encryption Algorithm's ssh2_id Property Accessible in .NET Assembly)
Make Encryption Algorithm's ssh2_id Property Accessible in .NET Assembly

(Support and Bug Reports > SSH Encryption Cipher Naming Convention)
SSH Encryption Cipher Naming Convention

(Support and Bug Reports > SSH Encryption Cipher Naming Convention)
SSH Encryption Cipher Naming Convention