Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

I just started WinSCP the first time after an upgrade from a previous version (sorry don't know which). Trying again, it started properly. This is Windows 10 Pro 64bit (1803), Intel Atom X5-Z8350, 4GB RAM.

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

WinSCP 5.15

Simple logged onto the server and opened up the icon for WINSCP and the error message occurred.

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Right click on WinSCP icon on tasbar and then left click on WinCSP icon in the menu itself.

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.14.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Not sure exactly what prompted this error, I was just exiting out of WinSCP when I noticed it.>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Ошибка доступа к памяти - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

Эта программа мне блокирует полный доступ к FTP. Намертво просто убивает. Ни под root, ни под другим я не могу войти.

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.


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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

I clicked on the winscp icon and this appeared. So far, this has been the only instance of this error to occur.

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008247F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Acesso inválido à memória - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Acesso inválido à memória

Rastreamento de pilha:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Just tried to open Winscp and it crashed with this error.

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008247F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Ошибка доступа к памяти - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(000455C6) ntdll.dll.RtlRaiseStatus

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

I opened Portableapps Winscp once, tried to connect to a site that was unreachable, behind a proxy. On connection timeout popup I clicked OK which closed WinSCP, instead of going back to initial screen, which is always annoying for me. After I started Winscp again via portableapps, I got the
Invalid access to memory errorStack trace:
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll
And I needed to click OK several times before the initial login window showed up.
I'm not sure about session logs...

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Chyba přístupu do paměti - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Chyba přístupu do paměti.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Launched WinSCP for first time after upgrading to Windows 10 1903, and .net 3.5/4.8 cumulative updates.

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Kelleyjoe23@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.14.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00081D3F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>
Happened right when I tried to launch the application
WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Stack trace: (00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag (0007E19F) ntdll.dl

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Stack trace: (00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag (0007E19F) ntdll.dl

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Issue appeared as I clicked on the shortcut to open WinSCP. Not sure if it will happen again.
I did not include a screenshot as the alert only contained below Stack trace.
Hope this helps and thanks for this usually great tool!

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

This has been fixed.

kevin.herr@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag wrote:

This has been fixed.
How did you fix it?

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

When I hace typed password

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Accès mémoire invalide - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15

Error message:
Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>
Just started WinScp
WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Description: On dragging, the application freezes for a couple of minutes and shows the error. Afterwards we retry to drag and it works...


Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00089BEF) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Happens on Wireless internet.
<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Nieprawidłowy dostęp do pamięci - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Nieprawidłowy dostęp do pamięci.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

arianaa30@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

This error appears whenever I set the computer to sleep after finishing the download and while using a VPN. I use SoftEther VPN at work and download files daily.

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

klodvig105@... wrote:

This error appears whenever I set the computer to sleep after finishing the download and while using a VPN. I use SoftEther VPN at work and download files daily.

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Accès mémoire invalide - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

This problem happened after I started the program, just after starting my computer. It is the first time it happens. The computer is partially managed by my company.

WinSCP 5.15.2

Error message:
Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(00008CEF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Ogiltig åtkomst till minnet - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.3

Error message:
Ogiltig åtkomst till minnet.

(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008402F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

john.c.howard@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.15.4

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

josh.c.chin@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CE3) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.5

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008CFF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008341F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.7

Error message:
Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Ongeldige toegang tot geheugen - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

installing on a laptop

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

After installation, clicked on client to launch it from start menu. This actually crashes the server (Windows Server 2016) and I have to recover from a snapshot. This is a virtual server using VMware.

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


无效的内存访问。 - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0008C85F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

I think I just opened WinSCP after resuming from sleep and connecting VPN. Might have also tried to drag the WinSCP view ever so slightly. But really not sure because I also did that to the program that I used to take the screenshot, so I might be mixing this part.

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087C8F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Acceso a memoria no válido - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Acceso a memoria no válido

Traza de la pila:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(00087D6F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>

Ran the latest round of Windows 8 updates.
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0003EF5E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E1AF) ntdll.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Ogiltig åtkomst till minnet - TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.9

Error message:
Ogiltig åtkomst till minnet.

(00008D13) TCustomScpExplorerForm::SetDockAllowDrag
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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