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Command-line Options

If you are going to run WinSCP from command-line often, you may wish to add WinSCP installation directory to search path.

winscp.exe stored_session
winscp.exe [(sftp|ftp|scp)://][user[:password]@]host[:port][/path/[file]]
winscp.exe [session] [/console] [/script=script_file] [/command command1 command2 ...]
winscp.exe [session] /synchronize [local_directory] [remote_directory] [/defaults]
winscp.exe [session] /keepuptodate [local_directory] [remote_directory] [/defaults]
winscp.exe [session] /upload file1 file2 file3 ... [/defaults]
winscp.exe [session] [/privatekey=<key_file>] [/hostkey=<fingerprint>]
winscp.exe /ini=<inifile> /log=<logfile>
winscp.exe /update
winscp.exe /help


The first syntax opens the stored session (to open session, stored in folder, use path syntax “folder/session”). The second creates the session specified by at least hostname, optionally by name of protocol, port number, username, password and initial remote path. If the remote path is not ended by slash (/), it is treated as path to file (or even directory) that should be downloaded. Special characters (like @ in username) can be encoded using %XX syntax, where XX is hexadecimal ASCII code.

Parameter /console executes WinSCP in console (scripting) mode. Note that when WinSCP is executed via console interface (, the /console parameter is not necessary.

To run batch script either pass script file using /script parameter or specify the commands directly on command line using /command. In the latter case each following parameter is treated as single command (If the command includes spaces, enclose it in quotes). If both /script and /command parameters are used, commands from script file are executed first. When the last command is not exit, regular non-batch mode follows. If /console parameter is not used along with /script or /command, the script/command is executed without visual feedback (window).

With /synchronize or /keepuptodate parameter WinSCP performs Synchronize or Keep remote directory up to date commands respectively on the specified session and directories. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see scripting).

With /upload parameter WinSCP uploads specified files to remote directory of session defined using one of the previous syntaxes. A dialog to set options is displayed first (Note that this is not intended for automation, see scripting, but to allow Windows Explorer’s ‘Send To’ menu integration).

Use /defaults parameter along with /upload, /synchronize or /keepuptodate to skip the settings dialog and start the operation straight away with default settings.

Parameter /privatekey specifies private key file. Parameter /hostkey specifies fingerprint of expected host key (or several fingerprints separated by semicolon). It makes WinSCP automatically accept hostkey with the fingerprint.

With /ini parameter you may specify path to configuration INI file. It effectively disables using registry as configuration storage. If the file does not exist, default configuration will be used and the file will be created. You can use environment variables in the path, with syntax %NAME%.


With /log parameter you may turn on session logging to given file. You can use environment variables in the path, with syntax %NAME%.

When run with /update parameter, WinSCP only checks for its updates.

Parameter /help shows usage (overview similar to this).

For security reasons, when protocol (sftp://, ftp:// or scp://) is provided on command line (possible execution from web browser/Windows Explorer), all command-like parameters that cause any automatic action are ignored, including /defaults, /log, /script and /command.

Last modified: by martin