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Configuration Storage

By default WinSCP stored its configuration into Windows registry. Optionally it can store it into an INI file. To switch the storage see Storage tab of Preferences window.

On startup WinSCP looks for INI file in the directory from which it was started. The INI file must have an .INI extension and the same name as WinSCP executable. If it finds the INI file it loads configuration from it. If it does not find any, it uses the registry (of current user). This allows you to easily carry WinSCP with your configuration on removable media or USB drive.


You may also use INI file in different folder or with different name using /ini switch.

ui_cleanup|clean up all configuration data]] stored on your machine.

Transfering the Configuration

If you use registry as configuration storage, you may export/import following registry key to export/import the settings.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2] 

If you do not know how to work with registry, switch to INI file.

If you use INI file as configuration storage, copy the winscp3.ini file from WinSCP installation directory on your source computer to installation directory on destination computer. The file is typicaly in following directory:

c:\program files\winscp3\winscp3.ini 

This file is automatically created when you switch to INI file configuration.

Pre-configuring WinSCP

Learn how to distribute pre-configured version of WinSCP.


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