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contributions 2009-12-31 contributions 2024-09-10 (current)
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===== Application ===== ===== Application =====
-  * Original idea by Jan Havlíček. +  * Original idea by [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-havlicek-42a7725/|Jan Havlíček]]
-  * SSH code of this software comes from program [[&url(putty)|PuTTY]] by Simon Tatham.  +  * [[SSH]] code comes from [[&url(putty)|PuTTY]] by Simon Tatham.  
-  * FTP code of this software comes from program [[http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/|FileZilla]] by Tim Kosse. +  * [[FTP]] code is based on [[https://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]] by Tim Kosse. 
-  * Kerberos authentication code comes from program [[&url(qputty)|Quest PuTTY]] by Quest Software+  * [[tls|TLS/SSL]] code comes from [[https://openssl-library.org/|OpenSSL Project]]. 
-  * Toolbars implemented using [[&url(tb2k)|Toolbar2000]] library by Jordan Russell and [[&url(tbx)|TBX]] library by Alex A. Denisov+  * [[WebDAV]] code is based on [[https://notroj.github.io/neon/|neon library]]. 
-  * XP visual style implemented using [[http://www.delphi-gems.com/ThemeManager.php|Windows XP Theme Manager]] by Mike Lischke+  * [[S3]] code is based on [[https://github.com/bji/libs3|libs3 library]]. 
-  * Compatibility of [[dragext|dragext.dll]] for Windows NT/9x by Viacheslav Sheveliov. +  * Toolbars implemented using [[&url(tb2k)|Toolbar2000]] library by Jordan Russell, [[&url(tbx)|TBX]] library by Alex A. Denisov (and contributors) and [[https://github.com/UweRaabe/PngComponents|PngComponents]] by Uwe Raabe and Martijn Saly
-  * Modification of ''PATH'' based on [[http://www.barisione.org/apps.it.html#add_path|add_path]] by Marco Barisione. +  * Internal error reporting code is based on [[https://jcl.delphi-jedi.org/|JEDI Code Library]].
-  * Bug fix for SFTP implementation by [[&url(ejb)|Erwin Bolwidt]]. +
-  * Bug fix for localization DEP issue using code by [[http://cc.codegear.com/Item.aspx?id=23411|Sasan Adami]].+
  * Translations by [[this>../translations.php|WinSCP translation team]].   * Translations by [[this>../translations.php|WinSCP translation team]].
-  * and others I currently cannot think of (add yourselves :-)). 
===== Artwork ===== ===== Artwork =====
-  * Current "Lock" icon by [[http://jhnet.co.uk/|Jonathan Heathcote]]; +  * Version 4.2.4 -- 5.21.8 "Lock" icon by [[http://jhnet.co.uk/|Jonathan Heathcote]] (redesigned for 6.0)
-  * Version 2.0 -- 4.2.1 "Secured computers" icon by [[http://skydebanen.net/|Martin Pihl Jensen]]+  * Version 2.0 -- 4.2.1 "Secured computers" icon by Martin Pihl Jensen; 
-  * Version 1.0 "Net" icon by [[http://www.kaacza.cz/|Kateřina Šrámková]]). +  * Version 1.0 "Net" icon by [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/katysramkova/|Kateřina Šrámková]].
- +
-===== Plugin to FAR ===== +
-  * Russian translation by Aleksej Tatarinov. +
- +
-===== Web Site ===== +
-  * Web design by [[http://www.blackgate.net/|Brandon Blackmoor]]. +
-  * Original web design by [[http://www.kaacza.cz/|Kateřina Šrámková]].+
===== Software Used ===== ===== Software Used =====
  * [[&url(innosetup)|Inno Setup]] (free installer for Windows programs).   * [[&url(innosetup)|Inno Setup]] (free installer for Windows programs).
-  * [[http://upx.sourceforge.net/|UPX]] (the ultimate packer for executables).  

Last modified: by martin