faq » Revisions »


This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2014-04-25 2014-04-28
faq_password_reset (martin) grammar (martin)
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  * [[faq_owner|Why can't I change the owner and the group of a file?]]   * [[faq_owner|Why can't I change the owner and the group of a file?]]
  * [[faq_selection|Why does selecting a file in WinSCP not work as I expect (that is, in the normal MS Windows way)?]]   * [[faq_selection|Why does selecting a file in WinSCP not work as I expect (that is, in the normal MS Windows way)?]]
-  * [[faq_environment|Why WinSCP does not work in a new environment (operating system, machine, user account, network), when it works for me in a different environment already?]]+  * [[faq_environment|Why does WinSCP not work in a new environment (operating system, machine, user account, network), when it works for me in a different environment already?]]
===== [[connecting]] Connecting to the Server ===== ===== [[connecting]] Connecting to the Server =====

Last modified: by martin