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file_encryption 2018-06-29 file_encryption 2019-11-23 (current)
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====== File Encryption ====== ====== File Encryption ======
-The next version of WinSCP will allow your to seamlessly encrypt your files on an SFTP server using AES-256 encryption.+WinSCP allows you to seamlessly encrypt your files on an SFTP server using AES-256 encryption.
-As part of session settings, you specify (or have WinSCP generate) an encryption key. WinSCP will then (by default) seamlessly encrypt all newly uploaded files and their names.+As part of session settings, you can [[ui_login_encryption|specify (or have WinSCP generate) an encryption key]]. WinSCP will then (by default) seamlessly encrypt all newly uploaded files and their names.
-In WinSCP file panel, you will see original file names and when you download files, you will get original contents. But anyone else, who does not know the key, including a server Administrator, will see only gibberish.+In WinSCP file panel, you will see the original file names and when you download files, you will get original contents. But anyone else, who does not know the key, including a server Administrator, will see only gibberish.
-This, combines with [[task_synchronize_full|WinSCP powerful synchronization features]], allows you to use your server quota as a safe backup storage for your private data.+This, combined with [[task_synchronize_full|WinSCP powerful synchronization features]], allows you to use your server quota as a safe backup storage for your private data.
-The following images show how an encrypted folder and files show to users who knows and does not know an encryption key:+The following images show how an encrypted folder and files show to a user who knows the encryption key and to a user who does not know the encryption key:
&screenshotpict(file_encryption) &screenshotpict(file_encryption)
 +===== [[files]] Encrypting Files =====
 +The following rules apply for encrypting files (assuming [[ui_login_encryption|file encryption is enabled in session settings]]):
 +  * When overwriting an existing //unencrypted// remote file, the updated file is uploaded //unencrypted// too.
 +  * When overwriting an existing //encrypted// remote file, the updated file is uploaded //encrypted// too.
 +  * When uploading a new file, it is //encrypted// by default (can be changed in [[ui_transfer_custom|transfer settings]]).
 +  * When creating a new folder, its //name// is //encrypted// by default (can be changed in default transfer settings).
 +You can identify encrypted files and folders using a [[ui_file_panel#special_files|lock overlay icon]].
 +===== [[requirements]] Requirements on Server File System =====
 +Encryption of file names uses Base64 encoding. To preserve file names encoded in Base64 encoding, the target file system should be case-sensitive (Linux servers use case-sensitive file systems) or at least case-preserving (with a small risk of collision -- Windows NTFS is case-preserving).
 +The file system also needs to support reasonably long file names. Base64 encoding adds a 33% overhead to a filename length. Additionally, an encoded salt and the ''.aesctr.enc'' extension add another approximately 33 characters.
 +With common 255-character limit of common NTFS and ext file systems, file names up to 167-characters long can be stored.
 +===== Encryption Details =====
 +To encrypt file names and file contents, WinSCP uses industry standard %%AES-256%% CTR encryption. Use of standards guarantees you, that even if WinSCP stops working or becomes unavailable for whatever reason, you will still be able to decrypt your files.
 +Process of encrypting file names:
 +  * 16 bytes (128 bits) of salt is generated.
 +  * File name is represented in bytes using UTF-8 encoding.
 +  * Encoded file name is encrypted.
 +  * Concatenated salt and encrypted file name are encoded using Base64 encoding.
 +  * All slash characters (''/'') in a result of Base64 encoding are replaced with underscore (''_''). Trailing equal signs (''='') are removed.
 +  * ''.aesctr.enc'' extension is added.
 +Process of encrypting file contents:
 +  * Fixed file header ''%%aesctr..........%%'' is written to the output file.
 +  * 16 bytes (128 bits) of salt is generated and written to the output file.
 +  * File contents is encoded and written.
 +  * Empty files are encoded as empty files (no header nor salt).
 +File modification time is stored as is (not encrypted in any way). Encrypted files are 32 bytes larger than originals. Hence size of an original file can also be deduced.
 +We provide a [[file_encryption_decrypt_script|standalone PowerShell implementation of file decrypting]].

Last modified: by martin