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guide_backblaze 2020-05-29 guide_backblaze 2023-11-10 (current)
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-====== Connecting Securely to Backblaze B2 Storage/Bucket with S3 ======+====== Connecting securely to Backblaze B2 storage/bucket with S3 ======
With WinSCP you can easily upload and manage files on your Backblaze B2 storage/bucket using [[s3|S3 protocol]]. With WinSCP you can easily upload and manage files on your Backblaze B2 storage/bucket using [[s3|S3 protocol]].
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===== Connecting ===== ===== Connecting =====
-Collect information about your B2 bucket and API keys in your Backblaze account:+Collect information about your B2 bucket and API keys in your [[https://secure.backblaze.com/user_signin.htm|Backblaze account]]:
  * Endpoint: Locate your bucket on [[https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm|your bucket list]] and find a hostname labeled //Endpoint//. It has a format like ''s3.region.backblazeb2.com''.    * Endpoint: Locate your bucket on [[https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm|your bucket list]] and find a hostname labeled //Endpoint//. It has a format like ''s3.region.backblazeb2.com''. 
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  * Guide to [[guide_upload|uploading files]];   * Guide to [[guide_upload|uploading files]];
  * Guide to [[guide_automation|automating operations]] (including upload);   * Guide to [[guide_automation|automating operations]] (including upload);
-  * [[https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047123254-Can-WinSCP-with-B2-|Official Backblaze guide for connecting using WinSCP]].+  * [[https://www.backblaze.com/docs/cloud-storage-integrate-winscp-with-backblaze-b2|Official Backblaze guide for connecting using WinSCP]].

Last modified: by martin