
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2017-02-15 2017-04-19
moving 5.7.7-5.8.1 from history (martin) moving 5.8.2 from history (martin)
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====== Older Versions ====== ====== Older Versions ======
 +===== [[5.8.2]] 5.8.2 beta =====
 +=== 2016-03-15 ===
 +  * SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to [[&url(puttywishlist)|the latest development snapshot of PuTTY]] (2016-03-05, commit 8e41e0a)
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
 +  * When FTP server does not provide precise timestamp, but the timestamp otherwise matches timestamp of the last uploaded version of the file, using precise timestamp of the uploaded version instead. [[bug>1395]]
 +  * Improvements to code/script generation:
 +    * Script or .NET assembly code can be generated for file transfers.
 +    * Suggesting command-line to use to execute generated script.
 +    * Using ''-Property'' switch to initialize ''SessionOptions'' properties in PowerShell.
 +    * Not using ''my'' prefix for VB.NET variables.
 +    * No redundant declaration of instantiated object variables type in VB.NET.
 +    * Not highlighting script strings.
 +    * Larger initial size of Generate URL/Code dialog, when starting on //Script/Code// page.
 +    * Bug fix: Session timeout was incorrectly set in seconds, instead of milliseconds.
 +    * Bug fix: Generate Code dialog could not be closed with ''Esc'' key.
 +  * Improvements to the installer:
 +    * The installer requests UAC elevation when started non-elevated. [[bug>646]]
 +    * When the UAC elevation is denied by the user, the installer defaults installing to the user profile folder.
 +    * The installer is not showing //Select Setup Language// dialog when it supports the current Windows UI language.
 +    * Individual help link for each installer page.
 +    * Correcting layout of the //Finished// page.
 +    * Not warning on incomplete translation during silent installation.
 +    * Bug fix: Wrong message shown in an installer when it cannot continue because previous installation/uninstallation was not completed.
 +  * Improvements to custom commands:
 +    * Custom commands can be distributed in a form of WinSCP extension.
 +    * Distributing //Verify Checksum//, //Search Text// and //ZIP and Upload// .NET assembly examples as official WinSCP extensions.
 +    * Including .NET assembly to the deployment to support these extensions.
 +    * Local custom commands for local files. [[bug>1396]]
 +    * Change: Remote custom commands cannot be executed with focus on local panel.
 +    * Removed //D/R// column from //Commands// page of Preferences dialog to save space for //Name// and //Command// columns.
 +    * Hint displays //Commands// page of Preferences dialog with full custom command name, keyboard shortcut and command.
 +    * Local custom commands that work with list of files do not block the interface.
 +    * Bug fix: Local custom commands that do not work with files froze the interface.
 +  * Tooltips display for 20 seconds.
 +  * Enhanced tooltips (aka ScreenTips).
 +  * Retrieving seconds-precision timestamps using ''MDTM'' command, if the server provides them. [[bug>1221]]
 +  * Improvements to .NET assembly:
 +    * Method ''Session.ScanFingerprint'' to scan server's hostkey or certificate fingerprint. [[bug>1394]]
 +    * ''TransferOptions.ResumeSupport'' is settable and ''TransferResumeSupport'' is constructable.
 +    * Setting ''TransferResumeSupport.Threshold'' automatically sets ''State'' to ''Smart''.
 +  * Application update information window has title //Check for Updates// instead of generic //Information//.
 +  * //Free bytes for user// can be displayed for IIS FTP server with //FTP Directory Browsing >  Directory Listing Options > Available bytes// option enabled.
 +  * Preventing interruption of file renaming by automatic operations (such as an automatic remote panel refresh). [[bug>1399]]
 +  * Compatibility with FTP servers whose path does not start with a slash (such as IBM VMS or MVS). [[bug>1400]]
 +  * Do not list remote directory when uploading file using FTP protocol with overwrite confirmations off. [[bug>1403]]
 +  * Support for FTP directory listings with name only. [[bug>1401]]
 +  * Verify TLS certificate against cached fingerprints before Windows certificate store. [[bug>1402]]
 +  * Optionally following symbolic links to directories during file operations. [[bug>51]]
 +  * The //Make WinSCP default handler// command opens //Set Default Programs// page in Control Panel.
 +  * Returning an error exit code (1) when user aborts the script. [[bug>1404]]
 +  * Returning an error exit code (1) when watching for directory changes fail (''keepuptodate'').
 +  * Logging that user aborted the script in XML log. [[bug>1406]]
 +  * Remembering a password for a duration of a session by default. [[bug>1409]]
 +  * Right justifying hidden and filtered counters on Commander interface.
 +  * Not showing 0% percent hint on the Progress dialog while calculating a transfer size.
 +  * Linking background confirmations options from the generic options. [[bug>1408]]
 +  * Transfer settings and path label hint popups use the same font as the underlying label and align with it.
 +  * Bug fix: Error when accessing a local directory junction on Windows XP/2003. [[bug>1392]]
 +  * Bug fix: The ''/loglevel'' switch did not apply when used with pre-configured log file
 +  * Bug fix: SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication is endlessly retried with WebDAV protocol. [[bug>1397]]
 +  * Bug fix: User is not informed when SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication fails.
 +  * Bug fix: Remote panel refresh interval could be set to zero.
 +  * Bug fix: SFTP/SCP sessions cannot be connected to over proxy. [[bug>1405]]
===== [[5.8.1]] 5.8.1 beta ===== ===== [[5.8.1]] 5.8.1 beta =====

Last modified: by martin