
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2022-04-06 2022-05-17
moving 5.18.3 from history (martin) moving 5.18.4 from history (martin)
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====== Older Versions ====== ====== Older Versions ======
 +===== [[5.18.4]] 5.18.4 RC ((2021-05-06)) =====
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1k.
 +  * XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.3.0.
 +  * The enumerable returned by ''Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles'' implements the interface implicitly to allow access to the interface method (''GetEnumerator'') from late-bound languages, like PowerShell.
 +  * Disabling multipart uploads with S3 protocol on Google Cloud they are not supported there. [[bug>1972]]
 +  * Allow downloading a file from an FTP server via a symbolic link in scripting or when handling a URL. [[bug>1973]]
 +  * Allowing use of the stream returned by ''Session.GetFile'' from a different thread. [[bug>1978]]
 +  * Workaround for specific encoding of special characters in filenames by OneDrive WebDAV interface. [[bug>1824]]
 +  * ''%%https://%%'' URL with known S3 API hostname (''s3.amazonaws.com'', ''digitaloceanspaces.com'', ''storage.googleapis.com'') is interpreted as S3 protocol, instead of WebDAV.
 +  * Automatically resume transfer when TLS re-key fails. [[bug>1982]]
 +  * Translation updated: German.
 +  * Bug fix: Ignoring disconnect messages from the server while closing the connection. [[bug>1977]]
 +  * Bug fix: Preventing another application (or WinSCP instance) stealing the selected tunnel port. [[bug>1971]]
 +  * Bug fix: Hang after receiving multiline response from FTP server. [[bug>1963]]
 +  * Bug fix: //Sort > By Type// icon for was incorrect.
 +  * Bug fix: Keyboard cues were shown in toolbar buttons drop down menus even when the menu was dropped down with mouse.
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when connecting to FTPS server that supports client certificates with translation that uses multi byte encoding. [[bug>1966]]
 +  * Bug fix: Remembered password is forgotten after the first failed (re)connect, even if the failure did not involve the password. [[bug>1967]]
 +  * Bug fix: Problems with port forwarding are not detected. [[bug>1970]]
 +  * Bug fix: Potential failure when waiting for a command executed from Console window is aborted.
 +  * Bug fix: When saving a site with a slash in the username, it is misinterpreted as a site folder.
 +  * Bug fix: DST start or end causes edited/opened files to be uploaded. [[bug>1974]]
 +  * Bug fix: Failure when retrieving a directory listing from an FTP server when the data are transmitted in huge amount of tiny chunks. [[bug>1976]]
 +  * Bug fix: Some operations with relative paths (notably creating and deleting a subdirectory) were failing on encrypted session.
 +  * Bug fix: //Local > Go to > Explore Directory// was not working with focused remote panel.
 +  * Bug fix: A workspace session opened from a stored site could not be used for operation in a new window or duplicated.
 +  * Bug fix: Error when uploading an empty folder in the foreground or any folder in the background to an FTP server with permissions configured.
 +  * Bug fix: Adding new background transfer while queue processing is disabled and some parallelized transfer was already started results in "waiting" items being endlessly added to the queue list.
===== [[5.18.3]] 5.18.3 RC ((2021-03-17)) ===== ===== [[5.18.3]] 5.18.3 RC ((2021-03-17)) =====

Last modified: by martin