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interfaces 2008-11-06 interfaces 2025-01-27 (current)
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WinSCP offers two program interfaces, each with extensive configuration options. WinSCP offers two program interfaces, each with extensive configuration options.
-===== Changing User Interfaces ===== +===== [[changing]] Changing User Interfaces ===== 
-During [[installation]], you must select your preferred user interface. You may want to change your [[ui_pref_interface|preference]] later.+During [[ui_installer_interface|installation]], you must select your preferred user interface. You may want to change your [[ui_pref_interface|user interface preference]] later.
===== Commander Interface ===== ===== Commander Interface =====
-The [[ui_commander|first interface]] is based on Norton Commander and similar file managers. The interface displays a local folder in the left panel and a remote folder in the right panel. Most of the time, you'll transfer files between these folders, though you can also transfer files to a different folder. This user interface type is also known as [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox_file_manager|Orthodox File Manager]].+The [[ui_commander|first interface]] is based on Norton Commander and similar file managers. The interface displays a local folder in the left panel and a remote folder in the right panel. Most of the time, you'll transfer files between these folders, though you can also transfer files to a different folder. This user interface type is also known as  
 +[[wp>File_manager#Orthodox_file_managers|Orthodox File Manager]].
[[ui_commander|&screenshotpict(commander)]] [[ui_commander|&screenshotpict(commander)]]
===== Explorer Interface ===== ===== Explorer Interface =====
-The [[ui_explorer|second interface]] is similar to Windows Explorer, and you only see the  remote folder. To transfer files, enter the target local directory's location or drag and drop. Both interfaces offer the same transfer methods.+The [[ui_explorer|second interface]] is similar to Windows File Explorer, and you only see the  remote folder. To transfer files, enter the target local directory's location or drag and drop. Both interfaces offer the same transfer methods.
[[ui_explorer|&screenshotpict(explorer)]] [[ui_explorer|&screenshotpict(explorer)]]

Last modified: by martin