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In addition to the default English user interface, WinSCP can be switched to other languages.


Obtaining and Installing the Translation

The installation package contains all the translations that were complete at time of its release (particularly for beta releases, there may be none). Other translations may be downloaded separately from the translation page. On that page there may be complete translations that were finished after the release. You can download incomplete translations as well. Non-translated parts of the interface will be in English.

The translation is contained in a separate file. It does not need to be installed in any way, it suffices to extract the file from the ZIP archive to the same directory where the WinSCP executable is (i.e. installation directory). Except for the extension, the file must have the same name as the executable.

The installer installs the executable into the file WinSCP.exe. It corresponds to name of the downloadable translation files. For example, the Czech translation has the name WinSCP.cs. If your executable has a different name, you need to rename the translation file to the same name. This applies in the case where you download the portable executable with a name like winscp400.exe.

Note that the translation file for a particular version of WinSCP cannot be used for any other version, be it older or newer.

Conmutación Idioma

& screenshotpict (lenguas)

Usted tendrá la primera oportunidad de seleccionar su idioma preferido durante la instalación. Si usted descarga su idioma preferido, o más tarde cambia de opinión, puede cambiar el idioma mediante el botón / / Idioma / / en la parte inferior de la diálogo Inicio de sesión.

Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que el idioma elegido durante la instalación afectará al idioma de los iconos de que el instalador crea (grupo de programas en el menú Inicio, “Enviar a” link, etc.) Los iconos son fijo y no va a cambiar cuando se cambia el idioma más tarde.


Localizing WinSCP for U3

Learn how to use translations with WinSCP for U3.

Translating WinSCP

If you would like to join the WinSCP translation team, either to help with existing translations or to add another language, please read about Translation Administration.

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