
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2012-01-04 2012-01-04
library_filepermissions (martin) library_removaleventargs (martin)
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| [[library_operationresultbase|OperationResultBase]] | Represents results of abstract batch operation.  | | [[library_operationresultbase|OperationResultBase]] | Represents results of abstract batch operation.  |
| [[library_operationresult|OperationResult<T>]] | Represents results of simple batch operation.  | | [[library_operationresult|OperationResult<T>]] | Represents results of simple batch operation.  |
-| [[library_removalargs|RemovalArgs]] | Provides data for remote file removal event. |+| [[library_removaleventargs|RemovalEventArgs]] | Provides data for remote file removal event. |
| [[library_remotefileinfo|RemoteFileInfo]] | Represents data about remote file.  | | [[library_remotefileinfo|RemoteFileInfo]] | Represents data about remote file.  |
| [[library_session|Session]] | Represents session. Provides methods for manipulating remote files. | | [[library_session|Session]] | Represents session. Provides methods for manipulating remote files. |

Last modified: by martin