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2015-07-07 2015-07-07
no summary ( (hidden) no summary ( (hidden)
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**Red $corpion** **Red $corpion**
-===== Using Classes from WinSCP .NET Assembly ===== +== Hacked By $corpion Team ==
- - Create an instance of the ''[[library_sessionoptions|WinSCP.SessionOptions]]'' class and fill in all necessary information to allow an automatic connection and authentication of your session. +
-  - Create an instance of the ''[[library_session|WinSCP.Session]]'' class. Optionally you can hook handlers of some events of the class. +
-  - Open the session using ''[[library_session_open|Session.Open]]'' method, passing instance of your ''WinSCP.SessionOptions''.+
-Once the session is opened, you can use any of the ''WinSCP.Session'' [[library_session#methods|methods]] to manipulate remote files, e.g., + 
-··* ''[[library_session_getfiles|Session.GetFiles]]'' to [[task_download|download files]], + 
-··* ''[[library_session_putfiles|Session.PutFiles]]'' to [[task_upload|upload files]] or +**Red $corpion**
-··* ''[[library_session_synchronizedirectories|Session.SynchronizeDirectories]]'' to [[task_synchronize_full|synchronize directories]].+
===== Classes ===== ===== Classes =====

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