
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2016-01-21 2016-04-07
/batchsettings (martin) FollowDirectorySymlinks (martin)
Line 45: Line 45:
| ''LocalDirectory'' | [[ui_login_directories|Local Directory]]((Note that //Remote Directory// can be set using [[session_url|session URL]], you do not need to use raw site settings for it.)) | | | ''LocalDirectory'' | [[ui_login_directories|Local Directory]]((Note that //Remote Directory// can be set using [[session_url|session URL]], you do not need to use raw site settings for it.)) | |
| ''ConsiderDST'' | [[ui_login_environment#dst|Daylight Saving Time]] | ''0'' = Adjust remote timestamp with DST, ''1'' = Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions, ''2'' = Preserve remote timestamp | | ''ConsiderDST'' | [[ui_login_environment#dst|Daylight Saving Time]] | ''0'' = Adjust remote timestamp with DST, ''1'' = Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions, ''2'' = Preserve remote timestamp |
 +| ''FollowDirectorySymlinks'' | [[ui_login_directories#directory_reading_options|Follow symbolic links to directories]] | ''0'' = Disabled, ''1'' = Enabled |
| ''SftpServer'' | Path to [[ui_login_sftp|SFTP server binary]] | For example ''sudo su -c /bin/sftp-server'' | | ''SftpServer'' | Path to [[ui_login_sftp|SFTP server binary]] | For example ''sudo su -c /bin/sftp-server'' |
| ''SFTPMaxVersion'' | [[ui_login_sftp|Preferred SFTP protocol version]] | ''0''-''5'' = SFTP version number | | ''SFTPMaxVersion'' | [[ui_login_sftp|Preferred SFTP protocol version]] | ''0''-''5'' = SFTP version number |

Last modified: by martin