
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2016-12-01 2016-12-15
timedifference (martin) AddressFamily (martin)
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| ''ProxyLocalCommand'' | [[ui_login_proxy#command|Local proxy command]] | | | ''ProxyLocalCommand'' | [[ui_login_proxy#command|Local proxy command]] | |
| ''Compression'' | [[ui_login_ssh#protocol_options|SSH session compression]] | ''0'' = Disabled, ''1'' = Enabled | | ''Compression'' | [[ui_login_ssh#protocol_options|SSH session compression]] | ''0'' = Disabled, ''1'' = Enabled |
 +| ''AddressFamily'' | [[ui_login_connection#ipv|Internet Protocol Version]] | ''0'' = Auto, ''1'' = IPv4, ''2'' = IPv6 |
| ''SshProt'' | [[ui_login_ssh#protocol_options|SSH protocol version]] | ''0'' = SSH-1, ''3'' = SSH-2 | | ''SshProt'' | [[ui_login_ssh#protocol_options|SSH protocol version]] | ''0'' = SSH-1, ''3'' = SSH-2 |
| ''SshNoUserAuth'' | [[ui_login_authentication#bypassing_authentication|Bypass authentication entirely]] | ''0'' = Disabled, ''1'' = Enabled | | ''SshNoUserAuth'' | [[ui_login_authentication#bypassing_authentication|Bypass authentication entirely]] | ''0'' = Disabled, ''1'' = Enabled |

Last modified: by martin