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2011-09-09 2011-09-09
no summary ( no summary (
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===== Opening Additional Connections ===== ===== Opening Additional Connections =====
-Once you have opened your first session and the main window shows up, you can open additional sessions using //Session > New Session// or the corresonding toolbar button or [[task_connections#keyboard_shortcuts|keyboard shortcut]]. The [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will show. There you can choose some of your [[session_configuration#stored|stored sessions]] or enter the login details manually. To open a stored session directly go to //Session > Saved Sessions//.+Once you have opened your first session and the main window shows up, you can open additional sessions using //Session > New Session// or the corresonding toolbar button or [[task_connections#keyboard_shortcuts|keyboard shortcut]]. The [[ui_login|Login dialog]] will show. There you can choose some of your [[session_configuration#stored|stored sessions]] or enter the login details manually. To directly open a stored session, go to //Session > Saved Sessions//.
The newly opened connection will become active. The newly opened connection will become active.

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