Old Revisions

These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it.

2024-09-24 – 6.4 issue 2281 Search panel pops up on Ctrl+F to make the function easier to find (martin) (current) Diff vs. previous
2023-03-27 – 6.0 session => tab (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2023-02-10 – 6.0 bug 41: Showing directory size in file panel (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2022-06-16 – 5.21 stable released (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2021-12-03 – 5.20 Shift+Ctrl+R keyboard shortcut for Reconnect Session command (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2021-12-03 – 5.20 Keyboard shortcut for Restore Selection command changed to Shift+Ctrl+S (Shift+Ctrl+R previously). (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2019-10-23 – file_selection and file_management explicit anchors (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2019-10-21 – file_panels explicit anchor (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2019-10-21 – session_management explicit anchor (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2019-03-28 – complete range of shorcuts for switching sessions (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2019-03-27 – 5.15 released - removing beta notices (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2018-10-18 – 5.14 Bug 316 Files can be copied to the clipboard (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2018-10-16 – 5.14 Change: Keyboard shortcut for Download command in Explorer interface changed to Ctrl+T (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2018-10-16 – 5.14 Change: Keyboard shortcut for Open Terminal command changed to Shift+Ctrl+T (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2017-01-08 – navigation explicit anchor (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2015-12-17 – 5.8 Bug 1303 Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+L and Alt+D to focus Address toolbar (Explorer interface) (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2015-12-17 – 5.8 Bug 1303 Change: Shortcut of command Clear Selection changed to Shift+Ctrl+L. (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2014-07-15 – 5.6 ctrl+alt+f for filter (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2014-07-13 – pasting path/session url (5.6) (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2013-12-20 – 5.5 removing beta tags (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2013-08-12 – 5.2.3: bug 1035: ctrl+w to close session (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2013-04-17 – using + for combined keyboard shortcuts (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2013-04-10 – 5.2 Using “Download” and “Upload” commands to distinguish copying to local and remote directories respectively (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2012-08-03 – Bug 605 Alt+Up shortcut for opening parent directory (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2012-05-30 – Shift+Ctrl+R - Restore selection (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2012-05-07 – ctrl+alt+r ui_pref_panels_remote (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2009-12-20 – 4.2.5 f3 for find (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2009-04-14 – Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2009-04-01 – shift+ctrl instead of ctrl+shift (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2008-04-07 – 4.1 ''Shift-Del'' deletes to recycle bin, if deletion to recycle bin is disabled, and vice versa. (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2006-06-19 – 3.8.2 Shift+Ctrl+P - Copy current remote path to the clipboard (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2006-05-04 – 3.8.1 ctrl+alt+r (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2005-08-15 – 3.7.6 Shift+Ctrl+E - Edit (create) new file (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous
2005-08-11 – 3.7.6 restore selection (martin) Diff vs. currentDiff vs. previous

Last modified: by martin