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2020-02-18 2022-09-05
5.17 released (martin) prevent ad between UAC desc and screenshot + uac anchor (has to be explicit, as ==) is emoticon) (martin)
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If you choose to install WinSCP for all users, WinSCP installer require administrator privileges, so that it can install files in ''Program Files'' folder, create shortcuts for all users, etc. If you choose to install WinSCP for all users, WinSCP installer require administrator privileges, so that it can install files in ''Program Files'' folder, create shortcuts for all users, etc.
-For this reason the //User Account Control// (UAC) prompt pops up.+For this reason the //User Account Control// (UAC) ==?uac== prompt pops up:
&screenshotpict(installer_uac) &screenshotpict(installer_uac)

Last modified: by martin